Jackson Excavation Service

Fufilling Your Excavation Needs in the Greater Area of Middleton, Tennessee and the Surrounding 75 Mile Area.


on all your excavation service needs.

Call or Text 731-609-1122

  • Before

  • After

Land & Fence Line Clearing

Drainage & Erosion Control

In Ground Pool Demolition

  • Before

  • After

  • Before

  • After

  • New & Preexisting Home Site Preparation/Clean Up

  • Stump Removal

  • Drainage Pipe Extension and Installation

  • Wet Weather Crossing

  • Storm Damage Clean up

  • And Many More Services


Owned and Operated By Michael Jackson

Self Made Small Business

Michael Jackson is the owner and operater of Jackson Excavation Service with 25+ years of work experience. He started his small business to help others reach their desired land design.